Rev. Kath McBride:  01904 489349
Email the Office

Church Street, Dunnington

York, YO19 5PW

Ash Wednesday Service

Wednesday 17 February, 7pm, via Zoom

Our benefice Ash Wednesday service this year will take place via zoom on Wednesday 17 February at 7pm, and will replace our weekly Compline service. It will be a service of scripture, music, silence and prayer, marking of the beginning of the season of Lent, and our intention to keep this penitential season both faithfully and lovingly. All are welcome.

As part of the service you will be invited to write on a piece of paper those things that need addressing in our lives, the regrets, sorrows, weaknesses, sins, memories and hurts that we would leave behind us, and then to tear up or burn them. You will then also be invited to impose ashes on yourself, reminding ourselves of this penitential season, and that we come from, and return to, ashes. So you might wish to have paper, pen and a lit candle ready. All of this is optional. If you are wanting to make your own ashes in preparation, then an old palm cross is the traditional thing, but any ash mixed with a little water or oil would be perfect.

You can download order of service in two versions: A4 if you are  putting it up on your screen, and an A5 booklet should you wish to print it as such.

Order of service for Ash Wednesday - A4, for reading on screen

Order of service for Ash Wednesday - A5 booklet for printing

This will be a live service via zoom, and you can access it by simply clicking the link below:

The meeting will be opened at about 6.50pm to give everyone time to gather before the start.

I do hope you will be able to take this opportunity to worship together.

Every blessing,



Do also join us for our Lent Course

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